Health and safety

Health & SafetyRisk Assessment Form and related Tick Sheet
Issued on behalf of the WCPF Executive 15th March 2009
The WCPF Executive recently introduced a system for assessing Risk and Health & Safety issues for all WCPF Executive organised events.
To aid with these tasks we introduced 2 standard format sheets to be used to carry out the assessments and to be kept as a permanent record and as an aid for future assessments.
The items covered by the Tick Sheet are appropriate to our venues. They must not be assumed to cover all possible Risks or Health & Safety issues at any other venue.
You may use these sheets as a guide however anyone doing so should carry out a review to determine if these same items are applicable to their own venue. You are advised to pay specific attention to features or items, not covered by the Tick sheet that may be unique to your own venue. The sheets may therefore be modified to cover your own specific needs.
Please keep in mind the need to make the necessary announcements before the start of a meeting especially if you are at a new venue, say for an exhibition, or when non-members or members of the public, may be present.
The WCPF accepts no responsibility for the use of these sheets or any problems arising from their use. They are intended only as a guide to enable the user to carry out an assessment of their own venues.