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Finding a Lecturer

The WCPF maintains an online directory of good quality lecturers. Club officials can access
the Directory and find details of judges & lecturers by signing into the Members Area.

Access is only granted to club representatives.

Booking a Lecturer

The WCPF strongly recommends that both club officials and lecturers follow the guidance
and advice below when making a booking.

Bookings should be made with reference to the PAGB Standard Terms and Conditions for
Judges and Lecturers at Club Meetings together with information listed in the WCPF

Clubs should also follow the PAGB Code of Good Practice, so that the Speaker’s
contribution is properly recognised, and the event is a success.

A reminder should be sent not less than two weeks prior to the visit and should include clear
directions to the venue.

A thoughtful club will reserve a parking space and someone to meet the lecturer on arrival.
Please remember that the lecturer is your guest and should be treated accordingly. Please
check that all the necessary equipment as requested is provided for the event. A letter of
thanks from the club following the visit is always appreciated.

Download PAGB Standard Terms and Conditions [PDF]

Download PAGB Code of Good Practice [PDF]

All details of a booking should be confirmed in writing or email by both parties.

This WPCF/PAGB form below is provided as an example of best practice, and we
recommend that it should be used by the club when requesting a booking and by the
lecturer when replying. Clubs may adapt the format to meet their needs, but all content
should be carried over.

Download Lecturer Booking and Reply Form [PDF]

It is strongly recommended that a mobile phone details are entered on the form for both
the club and lecturer in order to obtain contact during travel to a venue.

Click on motif to go direct to the PAGB


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