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WCPF Inter Club Championships

The 2024 Inter-Club Championships are now complete and the results can be viewed using the links shown at the bottom of the page.

The WCPF Inter-Club Championships consists of two competitions one for Digital Images (previously DPIC) and one for Prints (previously the Inter-Club Print).  Each competition within the Championship has its own entry rules, is judged separately, and has its own awards.  The two competitions are run as a combined event, judged on the same day using the same judges. The scoring and results are presented as a ‘live’ show in front of an audience of club members at the Corn Exchange in Exeter in  February.

The WCPF Inter-Club Championships are open to any club with a paid up affiliation to the WCPF.  A photographers images may only be entered by 1 club.

Digital Championship Outline Information

·         Each club must submit 18 digital images, with no more than 4 images per photographer, and no

          more than 5 Nature images.

·         Images that have been entered into any previous DPIC Competition are not allowed.

·         Neither the photographer nor club name should be included in the image title, or be visible in any                  part of the image. 


Club awards will be based on the aggregate score of all 18 of a clubs images. There will be trophies for the Top Club, Runner Up Club and highest placed Small Club not placed 1st or 2nd. Trophies will be held for 1 year.

Individual awards will be selected by the judges from the highest scoring images. PAGB Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals, PAGB Ribbons and Highly Commended Certificates will be awarded.

The top 2 clubs will be invited to represent the WCPF in the PAGB Inter-Club PDI Championship held in Warwick in July 2024.

Print Championship Outline Information      

·         Each club must submit 15 prints from at least 5 different photographers.  At least 5 Colour and 5                    Mono prints and no more than 4 Nature prints. There can be no more than 4 images per                                photographer.

·         Prints that have been entered into any previous Inter-Club Print Competition are not allowed.

·         Neither the photographer nor club name should be included in the image title, or be visible on                        the front of the print. 


Club awards will be based on the aggregate score of all 15 of a clubs prints. There will be trophies for the Top Club, Runner Up Club and highest placed Small Club not placed 1st or 2nd.Trophies will be held for 1 year.

Individual awards will be selected by the judges from the highest scoring images. PAGB Gold, and Silver Medals, PAGB Ribbons and Highly Commended Certificates will be awarded.

The top 2 clubs will be invited to represent the WCPF in the PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship held in Blackburn in October 2024.





Fotospeed have confirmed that they will be attending, which is an opportunity to check out and buy their products

Results from previous DPIC & Inter Club Print Competitions.

DPIC Winners 2023     Results


DPIC Winners 2022     Results

DPIC Winners 2021    Results


DPIC Winners 2020    Results

DPIC Winners 2019    Results

DPIC Winners 2018    Results

DPIC Winners 2017    Results

DPIC Winners 2016    Results

Inter Club 2023 Print   Results

Inter Club 2022 Print   Cancelled

Inter Club 2021 Print   Cancelled

Inter Club 2020 Print   Cancelled

Inter Club 2019 Print   CLUB RANKING     
                                      RANKED SCORES


Click on motif to go direct to the PAGB


Official Sponsors of the WCPF

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Link - WCPF Facebook page

COPYRIGHT NOTICE:   All images used in this website are the copyright of the photographer who took them. Please respect this by not copying images without permission.

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